The Queen’s New Capital is a deck-building city-development board game with a fast-paced gameplay experience, and exceeding care put into the world-building.

Players assume the roles of provincial governors, competing to have their respective regions chosen as the Queen's new capital. To secure victory in this contest, they must utilize all their resources and seek assistance whenever possible.



Version 1.02 , Updated on 24/09/2024



Updated on 26/09/2024



Updated on 07/09/2024

The core game loop is quite simple: Players draw six cards and play four cards each round. These action cards enable players to construct structures (the primary source of points in the game), recruit leaders with passive abilities, acquire more powerful action cards, and contribute to the kingdom's Political and Warfare crises.

The winner will be the first player to obtain eight Recognition Seals, acquired after reaching five points in one of the four Province Status tracks: Might, Morale, Influence, and Wealth.

The Queen's New Capital is a strategic game that immerses players in the difficult decisions faced by leaders when overseeing a community's ascent. Going all-in on dazzling new infrastructure may attract thieves and political dissidents, while dedicating all resources to safeguarding the frontiers can impede innovation and development. Striking a balance and establishing a swift engine is the key to achieving victory.

We have been playtesting at conventions and meet-ups with diverse groups. Due to their fantastic feedback, the game has evolved a lot.

If you want to join us in developing The Queen’s New Capital, we have set up a Discord Channel and a Mod on Tabletop Simulator.

The game has 230+ cards, each with a unique illustration inspired by Stop-Motion animation and miniature painting. A vivid world that feels coherent and consistent, according to the reviewers.

Disclaimer: All of the illustrations in the Game were developed using a workflow that mixes Midjourney, Photoshop, and Adobe AI. No individual name or proprietary IP was used to generate any images. We hope you find the result as appealing as we do.